Thursday, October 23, 2008

Inching Around the Corner

Thirty days post-surgery and I FINALLY think I am making some progress. This may not seem like much but to me it was huge. I rode the trainer tonight for 45 minutes. I was hoping for an hour but my knees, no doubt feeling the relative dearth of riding over the last 7 weeks, decided that 45 minutes was enough.

Notice that I am using both arms on the handlebars. I can actually mount the bike almost normally and put a little weight on the left arm while it's on the bars. I'm pretty sure that riding outdoors is still off limits but this is progress.

I went without the sling all day today. I didn't do it on purpose. I forgot the sling at home and then didn't have time to go home to get it. There were a few rough patches but basically the day went OK.

This was a good day. I finally feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Clearly, I have a few pounds to shed. According to the bathroom scale I didn't gain that much weight but it sure shows around my middle.

Here's a picture of the incision after a month. It seems to be healing nicely but the area is still VERY tender. I was thinking this morning that if someone had told me how painful this was going to be I might have had second thoughts about having the surgery. I'll have to wait and see how complete the recovery is and then decide if it was worth it.

The Terrible Triathlete

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