Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zone One

It's better than nothing. Yeah, it's heart rate zone one. If you click on the image above you can see the high resolution plot of my heart rate from tonight's ride on the trainer. There was a 24 second foray into the the lofty area of zone 2 when I decided to push the pace and shift into the big ring. But only briefly. My left knee started to complain a little so I dropped down to the middle ring.

I was shooting for a post-injury high of 50 minutes on the trainer. I only made 49 and change when I reasoned that this was probably not the best time to decide to gut out the increasingly uncomfortable pain in my left knee. Why start an injury while I'm trying to rehab another?

It was, nonetheless, a good workout. I had my left hand on the bars and I even let my left arm support a little weight. It was definitely less painful than the last ride but it hurt the whole time, just not as much.

Eight weeks post-injury today. Five weeks and two days post-surgery. I'm not sure I see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. But I'm starting to believe that I might catch an ever so faint glimmer around the next bend or two.

The Terrible Triathlete

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