Thursday, October 16, 2008

23 Days Post-Surgery

There is some good news. No, it's not that my feet are doing well but since you mentioned it, yes, my feet are doing fine. They should be. I haven't run a step since September 4th.

The scale reads 186. That's only five pounds over my pre-injury weight of 181. Now, most people would say, "Great! You only put on 5 pounds in 6 weeks!". And for most people that would be fine. Me, I only feel sort of good about that. I say "sort of" because my stomach hasn't ballooned up to massive proportions but part of that is the loss of a bunch of muscle mass in my arm and shoulder. I'm atrophying away to nothing. I'm probably losing muscle mass all over the place since I went from 8-10 hours of training a week to less than 1 hour of training a week. And the training that I *can* do is all legs on the bike trainer. If this continues much longer I'll be the poster child for the 98 LB Weakling Society.

Tonight, I'm hoping to get an hour in on the trainer. We'll see what happens.

The Terrible (and steadily getting worse) Triathlete

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