Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 5

This is day 5 after the surgery. You'll notice that I'm not as chipper as I was on Day 0.

I had a great day on Saturday going to the Albuquerque Fit meeting and hanging out as the members did their final long runs. Came home and took a nap. Woke up with THROBBING pain in my left bicep that just wouldn't quit. Took some Tylenol and iced it for a while until the worst of the pain subsided.

Had a rough night. Couldn't sleep very well because I just couldn't seem to get comfortable.

This is getting really old. Maybe I'm just being impatient but I thought that once I got the bones put back together I'd recover from the surgery in a couple of days and start feeling better quickly. Not so far.

Looking forward to training again. It was rough watching everyone take off on their runs on Saturday. Sitting on the sidelines is definitely not my forte.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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