Monday, September 22, 2008

Day Zero

Today is day zero of The Terrible Triathlete's second season. After the ignominious end to season number one when I broke my collarbone on the same day I got my official invitation to Xterra Nationals I'm launching season number two with surgery to repair my shattered left clavicle. Above is a picture of my left shoulder just before the surgery.

Xterra Nationals are 12 days away. After qualifying for Nationals in my first season, albeit through a bit of a fluke, I'm sitting up on the couch typing with one hand while still a bit groggy from the anesthesia they gave me this morning before they put the three pieces of my left clavicle back together and secured everything with a plate. Not a great start to my triathlon career.
Here's a picture of my left shoulder after surgery:

I have to stay sitting up or standing for 48 hours. Pain killers must be taken every 4 hours so I don't get behind the pain curve. I have to keep the sling on for a week. That'll be fun! No showers. Worst of all, no beer for 24 hours! There will be beer tonight though.

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