Sunday, November 16, 2008

Starting Over Again Sucks

First Run.jpg

But it beats the alternative. I actually ran a bit last week but that was just a test. Today I did an hour on the trainer and then, a few hours later, I went out for a three mile trail run on the trails above my house. It was pretty hard work covering the three miles. My legs complained a lot towards the end but I ran the last mile over my favorite part of trail without stopping.

Here's a shot of the foothills where I have the privilege to run and crash my mountain bike.

As you can see from the heart rate and elevation trace above I walked the steeper uphills. I had a great time running the flats and downhills though. This was the first time I was able to get my heart rate much above 140 and it sure felt good.

There's even more good news. The trainer ride went so well that I decided to see if I could ride the bike outdoors. The answer was a resounding YES! I'm back, baby. The trick now will be to keep from doing too much too soon. Not that I've ever done that before, of course.

It'll be a while before I can do much more than flail about in the pool but for now at least I can ride the roads. I'm thinking I'll wait a bit before I get back on the trails with the bike.

The Terrible Triathlete

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